• Question: How does it rain more in Ireland than Africa

    Asked by 499ghtg46 to Dervil on 13 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Dervil Cody

      Dervil Cody answered on 13 Nov 2016:

      The amount of rain a country gets depends on its climate and it’s position on the Earth. Ireland gets a lot of rain because of the huge Atlantic Ocean over to the west of the country. Winds that come in from the ocean carry a lot of water which is why it rains so much. Ireland’s climate is also not too hot or too cold thanks to currents in the ocean like the Gulf Stream.
      Africa on the other hand, is so huge that it has lots of different climates depending on where in Africa you are. In the north, it has a warm and dry desert climate. This is because this part of Africa is located very close to the Earth’s equator which means it gets more heat from the sun. In the south of Africa, there is a more tropical climate, and it rains quite a lot in certain regions.
