• Question: Would you rather fight a horse sized duck or a hundred duck sized horses

    Asked by Cameron to Stephen, Saoirse, Pramod, Moises, Dervil on 14 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Stephen Davitt

      Stephen Davitt answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      First off I’ve heard this question before and LOVE it! and you have to think about it to give a proper answer….

      A hundred duck sized horses would not only be cute as hell as a form of luxury designer pets which can fetch thousands to the right customer base, but you could easily start a new era of horse racing which is in itself a massive business! With duck sized horses tracks wouldn’t need to be as large thus saving money. You wouldn’t be able to use human jockeys, so maybe you would use hamsers/chipmunks instead which would be way more entertaining and funny then human jockeys, AND don’t need to be paid, saving more money.

      Now lets look at the other side: duck is quite expensive as far meat goes, having a horse sized duck would have great potential for cornering this market by force, figure a way to breed this giant duck and supply the world with affordable duck meat, potentially earning millions in the process, add to this that duck feather jackets, pillows and duvets are still seen as luxury items, and horse sized ducks have lots of feathers and you have a money making machine.

      Now decision time… horse racing and breeding is a very lucrative business and could possibly be the bigger market however most of the money earned would go to bookmakers, also maybe people will not see the benefit of having such a tiny system and prefer the larger horse racing. The horse sized duck is a singular irregularity, how good are the chances of actually getting the duck to breed without a second duck of the opposite gender? AND how scary would a horse sized duck be!

      I think the choice is that if you CAN breed the duck, the horse sized duck is the way forward, if not, the hundred duck sized horses would not only be cuter but a safer bet.
